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Project title: “Promoting Women Using English in Rural Areas”
- Introduction
English is one of the key tools that assist successful careers and great achievements for the current generation. The current Burundi Constitution states that 40% of leadership should be women, but those positions require English as a tool in order to face global leadership responsibilities. In Burundian society, women are not empowered or encouraged to pursue higher positions and higher goals. Education Watch Burundi aims to empower women by equipping them with basic tools such as English and computer skills.
A short survey was done by Education Watch Burundi in the Southern side of Burundi in Bururi and Makamba, where the English clubs we support are located. The questionnaire was submitted to young women in high school and University – their main priority is to learn how to use a computer which can be used as a tool to attract as many women as possible to learn English.
- Challenge
Women are not able to communicate using English.
- Description of the results chain and implementation
3.1. Goals
3.1.1. Overall objective
Contribute to strengthening the socio-economic development of rural women and girls by promoting their participation in English language learning clubs.
3.1.2. Specific objectives
- Promote the participation of women and girls in English language learning clubs in Bururi and Makamba provinces;
- Multiply and strengthen the performance of English language learning clubs in Bururi and Makamba provinces.
3.2. Results
- The percentage of women participating in the English learning clubs set up by Education Watch in Bururi and Makamba provinces increases from 2% to 40%;
- The English learning clubs set up by Education Watch in the Bururi and Makamba provinces are performing well and are increasing from 4 clubs to 10 clubs.